Events at the Lower Granville Hall in Port Royal

Ian enjoying a S’more at the Outdoor Fire Pit – January 2025

Holiday Market – November 2024

**Upcoming Event**
Mother’s Day Mad Hatter Tea Party
May 11, 2025
Lower Granville Hall
2025 Events Calendar
March 2025 |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
March 20th, 7-9 pm
Paint & Sip Night
We are happy to host our FIRST Paint & Sip Night. Welcome the beginning of Spring by painting Sunflower Golden Hour.
Registration fee is $40 which includes a glass of wine, coffee, tea, and all the supplies you need to create your own piece of art. Join us and unleash your inner creativity. Don’t worry if you are not an artist, we will guide you step by step to create a beautiful masterpiece!
To register email Payment is due at time of reservation to guarantee your seat. Limited seating available.

March 25th, 6:30 pm
Lower Granville Hall AGM (Annual General Meeting)
Lower Granville Hall Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on March 25th, at the Community Hall located at 3551 Granville Road, Port Royal. Everyone living on Granville Road is an automatic member of the Association and is welcome to attend the meeting. We will be reporting an overview of last year’s events and financial standings as well as the exciting things in our future.
Are you looking for a place to volunteer? If you would like to get involved, we have lots of opportunities available including general board members, events planning/staffing, building maintenance, baking for upcoming events, etc… We look forward to seeing you there. Please email for more information or if you have questions.
March 26th, 6 – 7:30 pm
Introduction to AI in 2025
Matthew Rouse, Author, Speaker, Podcast Host, Digital Marketer, Agency Owner… will host this AI talk for beginners and folks interested in a down-to-earth look at Artificial Intelligence tools. Come join us for an exciting event where we dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence in 2025! Discover the latest trends, advancements, and possibilities that AI has to offer. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just curious about the future, this event is perfect for you. Hosted at Lower Granville Hall, this in-person gathering promises to be informative and engaging. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about the cutting edge technology that is shaping our future. Bring your questions and a suggested $2 donation for the Hall. Coffee, tea and light snacks provided.
March 30th, 12 -2:30 pm
Lunch & Learn with Mapannapolis
Immerse yourself in the history of our region while you Lunch & Learn with Mapannapolis. Over 13 years, along with many partners and organizations, Heather LeBlanc has been uncovering and preserving Annapolis’ history, culture, and heritage!
Heather will share what they have discovered and learned of the County and areas right in our back yard.
Do you have a local artifact or memories that you would like to talk about? Please bring it along for ‘Show n’ Tell’. Be a part of our history while we continue Mapping our stories and discovering ourselves:
To register email We will be serving several types of soup accompanied by bread and salad along with coffee and tea.
Donations will be gladly accepted for this event.
April 12th, 12-3 pm
Plant & Seed Swap/Sale
This Plant and Seed event will feature a limited number of vendors selling their own seeds and plants. We will also feature a table for you to bring your seeds and plants to swap for new ones (one for one). This sale is not limited to outdoor plants. You will see a variety of everything including vegetables, flowers, and house plants. What new plant will you add to your home or garden this year?
If you would like to become a vendor at this event please email Limited space available.
*New Date* May 11
Mad Hatter Tea Party
Take a trip down the rabbit hole with Alice and the Queen of Hearts for this whimsical Mad Hatter Tea Party. Enjoy a variety of triangle sandwiches along with several types of sweet treats and wash it down with a cuppa from Annapolis Tea Co. There will be several varieties of tea from traditional to extraordinary (caffeine-free options as well)! Snap a photo at our photo booth, face painting, colour an Alice-themed colouring sheet, and play croquet out on the lawn (weather permitting).
Costumes and/or hats are encouraged! This is a tea party you won’t soon forget.
All ages event. More details to come.
More to Come
- Clothing Exchange (April)
- Outdoor Fire Pit w/ Hotdog and S’more Roast (April)
- Seed Saving Talk (May)
- Mad Hatter Tea Party (May)
- Community Wildfire Preparedness Day and BBQ! (May)
- Pierre Dugua de Mons Art Exhibit (June)
- Apple Cider pressing (Oct)
- Community Market (Aug)
- Holiday Market (Nov)
- Wreath & Table Centerpiece Workshops (Dec)
- 6th Annual Tourtiere’s (Dec)
Community Coffee, Every Friday starting January 3rd, 2025
September – May
Held Friday’s from 10 – 11:30 a.m. Come out and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and bring a snack to share if you are able. Everyone is welcome. $2/person donation for the Hall.
Monday and Thursday at 10 am starting January 6th, 2025
Drop in on Mondays and/or Thursdays for an indoor walk. These walks are perfect for when it’s too cold to walk outside. Incorporate aerobic movements such as side steps, back steps, arm reaches, and clapping into basic low-impact cardio walking exercises. 1, 3, or 5 miles. You decide how long and far you wish to walk. Note: We will be following walking videos that have proven effective at burning calories. Everyone is welcome. $2/person donation for the Hall.
Craft Club
2nd and 4th Mondays each month 7-9pm
Calling all Fibre artists. Join us at the Hall for a Stitch’n’Bi*ch. All skill levels welcome. Knit, crochet, embroider, felt, mend, sew, quilt, spin, weave, rug hooking… We will put the kettle on. Bring your project and $2 Hall donation.
Book Club
3rd Monday every month 7-8:30pm
Join a lighthearted book club. All genres are open to be explored. You can find the current book we are reading on our Facebook page under events, or email to inquire. Meetings every month to discuss a book. $2 donation.
North Mountain Tai Chi with Paul Chessman
Tai Chi classes with Paul Chessman, a martial artist with over 40 years’ experience. Paul holds various teaching grades and qualifications including Advanced Tai Chi Instructor (certified by Shi Kon).
Sessions are 45 minutes long. Introductory Sessions as well as Continuing Sessions are available. Classes are held twice weekly.
Pre-registration required. Classes are relaxed and friendly and based on the Yang style of Tai Chi. A gentle flowing exercise, Tai Chi offers benefits for people at all fitness levels. To register or for more information please visit

February 22nd, 5-7 pm
Winter Potluck
Did someone say potluck? We are excited to break bread with you this winter.
To participate, please bring:
- a food item (eg. salad, side dish, main, or dessert)
we will label all the dishes as they come into the Hall. - a bag or container to take back home any of your leftover food items
Coffee and tea will be provided.
Donations are appreciated to support the Hall.
Please have dishes here by 5 pm, we will start eating at 5:30 pm.
All are welcome!
Meet someone new, or deepen an existing connection.
January 25th, 2025. 1-3 pm
Fire Pit in the parking lot
Bundle up in your warm jacket and join us around the fire. We will be hosting this outdoor event complete with a fire pit, hot drinks (coffee, tea, apple cider, hot chocolate), hot dogs, and smores. We will have supplies on hand, you provide your roasting know-how. If bringing children, please make sure to keep a good eye on them around the fire. Bring your outdoor chairs and sticks for roasting. Everyone is welcome to attend this event. Donations accepted.
November 16th, 2024. 9 am-1 pm, 2024
Holiday Craft Market
There are over 15 vendors selling various crafts and items that would make perfect gifts for family, friends, or white elephant gift exchanges. One of our tables will feature youth entrepreneurs learning about what it is like to create and sell items on their own. The Hall will be hosting its own bake sale and coffee corner during the market if you need a pick-me-up while shopping. This is the kick off to the Hall’s 5th Annual Tourtiere Fundraiser.
August 24, 9 am-3 pm, 2024
Community Market
This Community Market will feature over 10 vendors selling a variety of items. Antiques, homewares, flowers, eggs, honey, herb bundles, books from local authors, raffle tickets for a quilt, unicorns, mermaids, other crafts, bake sale, coffee, and so much more. You will find a little of everything!
When done shopping, head down to the Schafner Point Lighthouse to hear the bagpipes at 3pm.
July 13, 4 – 6 pm, 2024
Port Royal Lighthouse Association Annual Lobster Roll Dinner Takeaway, Saturday, July 13th, 4 – 6 p.m., at the Lower Granville Hall. Enjoy a delicious lobster roll, coleslaw, potato salad, and homemade pie. Tickets go on sale early July, pre-sales only. Dine-in or carry out to the lighthouse. Live music. All proceeds fund the ongoing maintenance of the Schafner Point Lighthouse. For more information visit, or write
June 14-18, 2024
The Dugua de Mons Art Exhibit
This inaugural five-day contemporary art exhibit features a collection reflective of the Mi’kmaq, the French, and the Habitation, and can be viewed at the Lower Granville Community Hall – June 14-18, 10am-4pm. Canteen open 11:30am-2pm
During this time, at the Port-Royal National Historic Site (Habitation), local artists will be actively creating art which will be showcased during the five-day art exhibit.
May 16, 2024
“Abandoned History of Nova Scotia” with Steve Skafte at the Hall, Thursday, May 16, 7 p.m. Come and hear Steve Skafte tell tales and show pictures from his adventures in abandoned cemeteries, hiking forgotten roads, and exploring the crumbling history that our ancestors left behind.
Steve is a lifelong resident of Bridgetown, Nova Scotia. For the past 16 years, he’s kept an uninterrupted daily journal on social media of his discoveries all over the province. He’s also been featured in the Chronicle-Herald, on Global, CTV/W5 and CBC Radio/TV.
Steve will answer questions and sign copies of his currently available books after the talk. Suggested donation $5. Refreshments available for purchase. This is a benefit for Lower Granville Community Hall.
May 12, 2024
Mother’s Day Jam Session at the Hall, Sunday, May 12, 2-4 p.m.
Come out and Celebrate the Mothers in your life at this Mother’s Day Jam Session.
By donation at the door.
Musicians and Listeners are welcome! Enjoy a treat and a cup of coffee/tea while you listen to a mix of Celtic, Old-time, Folk, Downeast, and Canadian music.
It is bound to be a boot-tappin’ good time!
Indoor Fitness Walking
March 13, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Community Coffee
March 14, 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Private Event
March 15, 2025 8:00 am - 11:55 pm
Tai Chi
March 16, 2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Tai Chi
March 19, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Event
March 22, 2025 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Lower Granville Hall AGM (Annual General Meeting)
March 25, 2025 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Are you interested in booking the Lower Granville Hall for your event? Please Contact Us here.