
Breaking ground for the generator shed in January 2023

Ian Curry adds his weight to the tractor blade.

 Want to get involved in your community and support your local Hall? We are actively seeking volunteers in various capacities:

Baking Crew –sign up  to bake for Hall fundraisers and events.

Cooking Crew  – sign up  to prep and cook food, prepare plates and/or takeout box portions.

Event Crew – sign up  to help with fundraisers and special events: set-up, serving, kitchen crew, washing & ironing tablecloths, registration, hosts/hostesses.

Board of Directors
The Board is elected for a two-year term, Please  contact us  if you have an interest in serving as a Hall board member.

Kari Rouse & Elaine Bergen Make Magic Meat Pies – December 2022

Marian Kormos restocking the treat table at the Dugua Art Exhibit Opening Ceremony – June 2024

Volunteers redid our stone entryway to make it more accessible. May 2024